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Ashflight – 2nd Anniversary!

Ashflight – 2nd Anniversary! published on

Ashflight is two years old today! It’s pretty crazy looking back and seeing how far the story has come, and at the same time, how much more there is to go… Ashflight’s third year is gonna have a ton of developments that I can’t wait to get into, so please look forward to it, and as always, thank you so much for reading.

Like last year, I’m planning to do another Q&A segment, though it will take place at the end of the current chapter (which is actually not too far from now!). I will announce ahead of time when we are approaching it, and you can prepare any questions you have for the cast or myself then.

And hey, while we’re here: If you’re enjoying my comic so far, how about telling your friends or sending me a donation? It would help me out a ton. Thank you~ <3